Using Profiles to the Hilt

14 Dec

Dear Friends,

An individual is more than his resume. For his degrees do not capture his passions and resumes cannot capture his talents. Given the fact that Resumes literally represent us before the Employer, I wish they could be more expressive and elaborate in presenting the individual before the selection panel. But alas that is not possible for they say the employers dont have the time to read at all and hence the resume need not have it all. How can one produce a certificate for how good an artist you are? or How can you show your technical prowess or your freaky lust for New gadgets on a paper?

Most of us feel empty when we fill in a standard resume format for we know that the peice of paper before us holds very little of what we are. It is time to present our full self before this world. Our thoughts, ideas, passions, interests, understanding it is these that define us and distinguish us from other, set us apart from each other and shining with different wavelengths. It is as if a mine field of various colors of precious stones dazzling with brilliance. That is exactly Profiles on is all about.

Profiles is all about one simple point ‘Presenting our professional self to the world’ . For this purpose you could use Blogs, or Video or even Document uploads to express thoughts or idea you have or you are in agreement with. To Bookmark those places on Internet from where you have derived your knowledge and to share the same with your friends. To discuss topics of your interest in order to assert and correct ourselves. To derive benefit from the Collective Pot of Wisdom and to cotribute to it in our own little way. For knowledge multiples when shared.

Please let us know how best can we tap your inner urges to share your knowledge with others and there by benefit from collective wisdom of all? How to make Profiles a place best to showcase your zeal for technology.

Best Wishes

Btechguru Team

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